
Plot: In the heart of a bustling city's art scene, "Keenelan" traces the poignant tale of Kaya, an artist grappling with the enigmatic whispers of her past. Just before an eminent showcase poised to skyrocket her career, Kaya is engulfed by a storm of haunting dreams and memories of a long-lost lover. These visions, as eloquently enchanting as they are, bleed into the fabric of her daily life, stirring a tempest of confusion and self-reflection.

The film's themes encourages viewers to explore that line as well: as humans move forward in life and find community, things from the past are no longer crucial elements to the building blocks of our current selves - but to entertain the nostalgia feels satisfying, nonetheless.

Cast: Cami Thomas, Che Sanchez, Chrissie Watkins, and Julisa Powell

Team: Keenelan is a full-court press from the My Friends and I and Retriever teams. Directed and written by Cami Thomas, DPd by Papa Blankson, Assistant Director Josh Guffey, casting by Joni Tackette, Producer Sami Blevins, AC Jesse Bader, Wardrobe and PA Karis Gamble, Audio by Chris Day, Make-up by Lisa Stylez, Gaffer Forrest Wharton, Grip/Swing Tobi Owolabi, and storyboards by Taylor Henderson. Score by Mvstermind, Assistant Editor Anna Brannon, and edit by Jazzy Kettenacker.

Screenings and Events

  • Trailer Release: Trailer Watch Party + Q&A

    09.11 7:00-9:00PM

    2222 S Jefferson Ave, STL

    Join the My Friends and I, Mvstercamp and Rare Radar crew to watch the trailer for, "Keenelan" followed by a Q&A session with cast/crew.

  • Screening: PrideFull Fest 2024

    09.16 12:00AM - 09/22 11:59PM

    "Keenelan" will be screening virtually as part of PrideFull Fest 2024 from 09/16-09/22. To purchase tickets for the online screening, visit the link below.

  • Screening: Queer Voices NYC


    Keenelan will be screening in person in New York City as part of the Queer Voices NYC Film Festival. Purchase tickets to watch Keenelan in person below.

  • Amsterdam Lift-Off Film Festival


    Keenelan will screen online as part of the virtual Amsterdam Lift-Off Film Festival as part of the Judge’s Selects category. For access/tickets to the virtual screening, use the link below.

  • St. Louis, MO Screening 2024

    Announcing Soon!

    My Friends and I will host an in-person screening of Keenelan in St. Louis, as a thank you to the wonderful community that we create within. Join MFAI mailing list for the announcement!


What is Keenelan about?

What a wonderful question! Keenelan, a new short feature by My Friends and I, follows the story of artist Kaya and her close-knit group of friends in the days leading to an important art showcase. Normally calm and steadfast, Kaya finds herself having inconvenient dreams and intrusive memories about an ex-lover from her past.

The dreams, as poetic as they feel in the moments, start to pour over into her waking life bringing confusion into the forefront of her days. She seeks the advice of her friends and therapist to make sense of her mind’s sudden interest in nostalgia. She pushes through a final saunter of reckoning, walking a thin line between fate and free-will.

The film's theme encourages viewers to explore that line as well: as humans move forward in life and find community, things from the past are no longer crucial elements to the building blocks of our current selves - but to entertain the nostalgia feels satisfying, nonetheless.

Who is the production team behind Keenelan?

Keenelan is a full-court press from the My Friends and I and Retriever teams. Directed and written by Cami Thomas, DPd by Papa Blankson, Assistant Director Josh Guffey, casting by Joni Tackette, Producer Sami Blevins, Creative Director/Set Design by Hannah De Oliveira, Cam Assist Jesse Bader, Wardrobe and PA Karis Gamble, Audio by Chris Day, Make-up by Lisa Stylez, Gaffer Forrest Wharton, Grip/Swing Tobi Owolabi, and storyboards by Taylor Henderson. Score by Mvstermind, Assistant Editor Anna Brannon, and edit by Jazzy Kettenacker.

Why did you film this in St. Louis?

Ah, St. Louis. Our rustic, gritty, wild wild midwestern hidden gem. There’s much to love about this hometown of ours. Most importantly though, this city is full of raw talent and passion (birthed from the deep huger of creating art against all odds). We’re not known as a “movie city” quite yet, but project by project, filmmakers in St. Louis are carving out a place amongst the coastal giants, and it makes us feel excited about creating here. Plus, for a debut film, it’s nice to create it where it all started.

What’s with the name?

Keenelan (pronounced, Keyn-len) is a nod to the childhood neighborhood of director/writer, Cami Thomas. As its her first narrative film, and the film itself features homage to childhood memories and dynamics, she thought it best to name the film in honor of the very first place she learned to dream and create.

When and where can we watch Keenelan?

Online for the PrideFell Fest September 16-22

And in person for the Queer Voices Film Festival in NYC Sep 27-29

We’ll continue to update with more screenings!

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